Innovation at Jefferson

Jefferson Innovation in Healthcare Design Thinking in Healthcare

The Jefferson Health Design Lab exists to bring people from different backgrounds together and promote inclusive design in healthcare. From patients to providers, everyone has the potential to accelerate change and improve lives. 

Innovation Partners Our Companies

Jefferson has licensed 100+ inventions and started 25+ new ventures that have gone on to raise investments of $200M+ to date. Check out our portfolio of opportunities and new companies here!   

Reimagining health, education and discovery to create unparalleled value.

Jefferson Innovation Rabies Drug Developed at Jefferson to be Used in China

“Despite an estimated 29 million post-bite human vaccinations globally, preventing hundreds of thousands of rabies deaths annually, rabies virus is still prevalent in global animal reservoirs and is responsible for tens of thousands of human deaths annually. An inexpensive, high-quality rabies immune globulin (RIG) vaccine administered soon after exposure could end this,” commented Professors D. Craig Hooper and Bernhard Dietzschold, both faculty at Thomas Jefferson University, and lead inventors of the technology which made Ormutivimab possible.