RTM develops real-time vital sign monitoring devices based on proprietary technology to improve clinical care and reduce costs in two critical areas of healthcare concern: cardiovascular disease and opioid misuse.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death globally as well as the most significant contributor to US healthcare costs ($1 in every $6), including the high cost of unnecessary emergency room visits. Yet at present, there is no technology commercially available that can report the physical signs of an impending cardiac event in time for appropriate preventive intervention. Using technology developed at Thomas Jefferson University, RTM Vital Signs, LC is developing a miniature, long-term monitoring system, implantable under local anesthesia in an outpatient procedure that accurately and continuously measures the arterial blood pressure waveform, the electrocardiogram, respiratory rate, tidal volume, hemoglobin oxygen saturation, and sounds of the heart, lungs and upper airway in out-of-hospital patients with high-risk cardiovascular disease. Sensor data from the device will feed predictive algorithms to improve diagnostics and medication dosing related to hypertension and other cardiac issues, ultimately leading to prediction and prevention of adverse cardiac events. Real-time data can also be transmitted to a smart phone or central monitoring station to timely alert patient, caregiver, and/or emergency care. Recent data captured by the device could also be downloaded on-demand by EMR personnel, physicians or clinicians as needed. Improved monitoring, diagnosis and management of cardiac care can save lives, lower costs and expand knowledge. No active patient involvement or reporting is needed. An initial prototype of the device has been bench tested. The implantation method and a 4-week in-vivo (canine) test with a mock-up was also completed in early 2018 with positive results. A fully -functional, actual-scale sensor that continuously monitors the arterial blood pressure waveform is now being manufactured and animal testing for the device is expected to begin about April 2019.
Every 10 minutes someone in the US dies of an opioid overdose. The cost of the opioid crisis exceeds $78B/yr. Overdose victims die in hospitals, at home, with others present or alone. The Joint Commission has recommended that anyone taking post-operative opioids be continuously monitored. Opioid deaths are preventable. A critical need exists for a simple, wearable device that can accurately predict an impending opioid overdose and automatically alert the patient, caregiver/ER in time for life-saving intervention. RTM's wearable acoustic sensor will accurately measure the respiratory rate, tidal volume, oxygen saturation, body position and activity level of ambulatory or in-hospital patients for the onset of hypoventilation which signals an opioid overdose or respiratory distress. The device will send timely alerts/alarms before the individual reaches a state of permanent adverse health impact or death. A prototype system will be tested in human trials at Thomas Jefferson University in early 2019 to optimize our sensor design and machine learning diagnostic algorithms.
RTM currently seeks to raise $ 3 million over the next 12 months to fund further development of the two projects.
439 Dreshertown Road, Fort Washington PA 19034 | 215-643-1286 | https://rtmvitalsigns.com