About Jefferson Innovation
Jefferson Innovation
925 Chestnut Street
Suite 110
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Contact Number(s):
We Are Jefferson
Reimagine is our commitment to raising the resources it takes to change the world in multiple, meaningful ways. We’re going to change the future for Philadelphia and beyond:
- People Leading Optimistic Revolutions
- Spaces that Heal and Inspire
- Communities United for Health Equity
- Discoveries that Improve Lives
What We Do
Jefferson Innovation advances commercialization of new technologies by supporting the members of the Jefferson community through superior services, mentorship, education, and partnerships in translating new discoveries into practical applications.
Specifically, we...
- Serve as a dynamic bridge from Jefferson to industry to make certain that promising new technologies are translated into products and services that benefit society.
- Evaluate ideas and inventions made by faculty, employees, residents and fellows and alumni of Thomas Jefferson University, Jefferson University Physicians and Thomas University Hospitals, Inc.
- Stimulate innovation and technology advancement within the Jefferson community.
- Secure all necessary protection of intellectual property (secure link) owned by Jefferson.
- License Jefferson technologies to strong, effective partners.
- Transfer materials for research and other collaborative purposes.
- Assist startup companies that have at least one Jefferson community member.
- Build collaborations with industry around applied research projects.